This tool can be used to add weather forecast data to a Trimble Maps Route.
POST /route[?depart_time=YYYYmmdd.HHMM]
This endpoint accepts “application/json” requests with a body that contains a JSON response object from the Trimble Maps Route API that with both report types:
"__type": "RoutePathReport:"
"__type": "DirectionsReport:"
This will return a JSON response with the following structure with a data point for each waypoint in the RoutePathReport
. Times are matched to the DirectionsReport
leg estimated times:
points: "...", // encoded polyline
valid_times: [...],
rt: [...],
rc: [...],
t: [...],
wspd: [...],
wdir: [...],
snod: [...],
prate: [...],
The valid_times
variable is a list of UTC timestamps (seconds since epoch) that represents the best time estimate of arrival at waypoint given the information in the Trimble Maps response.
The points
variable is a polyline encoded string Google Maps polyline information. This can be decoded to a list of lat/lon points that will match the lat/lon points in the RoutePathReport
# pip install polyline
from polyline.codec import PolylineCodec
c = PolylineCodec()
points = c.decode(points_str)
Download the file res.json and issue the following curl
command from a terminal:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@res.json" > route_forecast.json
A route is most simply a list of [lat, lon, time]
. This endpoint can be used to query a route using a JSON array of [lat,lon,time]
arrays where the time
value in the array is time from departure so the first point should start at time 0
. depart_time
is an optional query parameter in the format YYYYmmdd.HHMM
UTC, default value is current time.
POST /route_from_points[?depart_time=YYYYmmdd.HHMM]
import json
import requests
my_route = [
url = ""
response =, json = my_route)
route_fcst = response.json()
route_data = route_fcst['routes'][0] #currently only a single route is returned in the "routes" list
for i in range(len(my_route)):
temperature = route_fcst['routes'][0]['t'][i]
point_time_str = route_fcst['routes'][0]['valid_time_str'][i]
print(f"temperature will be {temperature} C when you arrive at point {my_route[i][:2]} at {point_time_str}")
With a current time of Wed 03 Aug 2022 18:27:08 UTC
you should see the following output:
temperature will be 17.6678 C when you arrive at point [40.272097, -105.556849] at 20220803 18:27:00
temperature will be 18.319 C when you arrive at point [40.275028, -105.564764] at 20220803 19:13:40
temperature will be 18.7466 C when you arrive at point [40.270215, -105.578737] at 20220803 20:00:20
temperature will be 17.6446 C when you arrive at point [40.268147, -105.587308] at 20220803 20:37:00
temperature will be 11.2602 C when you arrive at point [40.267442, -105.611906] at 20220803 21:00:20
If you’ve used /driving_route
to lookup a route, you can submit this route object to /route_from_route
for a forecast lookup.
#get the driving directions and encoded points string with this URL
url = ",-105.1&destination=36.1,-96.4&simplify=1.0"
response = requests.get(url)
route_data = response.json()
#This is the raw Azure Maps driving direction response
route_obj = route_data['route']
#POST the route_obj from Azure Maps
route_url = ""
response =, json=route_obj)
forecast_data = response.json()['routes'][0]
will return an object with the following structure:
'points':..., //polyline encoded lat/lon points
'route':..., //Azure maps route object
'session_id':... //session id to reference this route in later calls
Error codes from /driving_route
HTTP Code | Reason | |
460 | Route lookup from map engine failed | |
461 | Route mapping failed/route too short |
When you make a call to /driving_route
a session with the origin/destination will be saved. You can use the session_id
to get updates to the route without passing around the route object with the following endpoint:
url = ",-105.1&destination=36.1,-96.4"
response = requests.get(url)
route_data = response.json()
sess_id = route_data['session_id']
#Use the session id to get a route forecast
route_url = f"{sess_id}"
response = requests.get(route_url)
forecast_data = response.json()['routes'][0]
Azure maps adjusts route estimates based on current traffic conditions. You can use the session id to get an updated route status based on a current position and optionally save this new current position as the starting point for your session:
This will use the destination saved in the session with the current_point
as the start point and return the Azure maps route summary data as follows:
'arrivalTime': '2023-06-29T10:30:47-05:00',
'departureTime': '2023-06-28T23:41:33-06:00',
'lengthInMeters': 1168096,
'trafficDelayInSeconds': 0,
'trafficLengthInMeters': 0,
'travelTimeInSeconds': 35355
and /route_from_session
will return 403
if the session id is no longer valid.
If update_session
is included then the session will be updated with current_point
as the origin for subsequent calls to /route_from_session
. By default update_session
is not included, the session will not be updated.
If route_through
is included the route will attempt to match the exact route that is stored in the session by routing through a selection of way points. By default route_through
is not included and the route will be queried with only current_point
to the destination in the session and the resulting route may be different than the route saved in the session.
Variable | Type | Definition |
rt | array | Road Temperature (C) |
rc | array | Road Condition (0-10) |
t | array | Air Temperature (C) |
wspd | array | Wind Speed (m/s) |
wdir | array | Wind Direction (0-360) |
snod | array | Snow Depth (m) |
prate | array | Precip Rate (m/s) |
points | encoded str | Polyline encoded string of route points |
valid_times | array | Timestamp of weather forecast, derived from DirectionsReport (seconds since epoch) |
ptype | array | Precip Type 1=Wet,2=Mix,3=Frozen |
delay_risk | array | Delay risk score decimal 0-3 |
rc_colors | array | Colors for the road condition values that match the table below |
Code | Value |
DRY | 0 |
WET_SNOW | 1 |
WET_MELT | 2 |
WET_RAIN | 3 |
WET_PREV | 4 |
FRZ_SNOW | 8 |
FRZ_PREV | 9 |
Code | Definition |
WET_SNOW | “Wet due to snow melting on contact” |
WET_MELT | “Wet due to melting snow” |
WET_RAIN | “Wet due to rain” |
WET_PREVIOUS_RAIN | “Patches of wet due to previously fallen rain” |
MIXED_FREEZING_RAIN | “Mixed (or slushy) conditions due to freezing rain” |
MIXED_SNOW | “Mixed due to snow beginning to freeze” |
MIXED_MELT | “Mixed due to slushy melting snow” |
FROZEN_SNOW | “Frozen from snow accumulating” |
FROZEN_PREV_PRECIP | “Patches of frozen from snow that fell previously” |
FROZEN_BLKICE | “Potential for patches black ice (melted snow with refreezing) |
Color | Code | Value |
“#ffffff” | DRY | 0 |
“#90EE90” | WET_SNOW | 1 |
“#32CD32” | WET_MELT | 2 |
“#008000” | WET_RAIN | 3 |
“#006400” | WET_PREV | 4 |
“#800080” | MIXED_FRZR | 5 |
“#9932CC” | MIXED_SNOW | 6 |
“#EE82EE” | MIXED_MELT | 7 |
“#87CEFA” | FRZ_SNOW | 8 |
“#00BFFF” | FRZ_PREV | 9 |
“#d3d3d3” | FRZ_BLKICE | 10 |